Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chiang Mai, Thailand

 July 2011

I would say more, but I really struggled with formatting the photos on post.  There has got to be a better way, or a better blog tool.

This lovely lady of a Karen Hill Tribe weaves scarves for a  living
while her husband works in the fields.  Her baby is asleep in the hammock behind her.

Another Karen Hill Tribe Elder

We went on a tricky and slippery hike this day.  Beautiful waterfall, but treacherous  climbing.
Beautiful roof adornments

The Elephant Nature Park

Each elephant has his own mix of daily fruits.  Some of them are quite selective about which fruits they will eat.  The baskets have the elephants names on them.

If it looks like and elephant...

steps like and elephant (don't get your toes under this big guys foot)...

smells like an elephant....

sounds like and elephant

eats like an elephant
and has 4 teeth like an elephant....

swings a tail like an elephant....

July 2011


cajunsis said...

I LOVE these pictures! What an incredible experience you are having! Keep on sharing - I am having a great time looking at your adventures!

Paula M. said...

As usual...Amazing Photos! I especially like the one of the girls next to the lady w/the interesting hat. I would never have realized how tiny she was.